Chatswood Infinity Medical Imaging was conceived after a small group of radiologists and imaging specialists saw a need to provide a premium boutique imaging service staffed by experienced subspecialty imaging specialists, but still providing high quality personalised patient care in a friendly and approachable manner.
At Chatswood Infinity Medical Imaging, our patients are uniquely provided with password protected electronic copies of their studies which can be accessible by internet access on any media platform (mobile, iPad) anywhere in the world, and can also be viewed by their treating doctors or specialists should they choose.
Chatswood Infinity Medical Imaging doctors are happy to be contacted to offer imaging advice and answer any questions about imaging in general as we believe that knowledge sharing is a vital part of obtaining the best possible health outcome for our patients.
Mission Statement
- The provision of leading edge diagnostic imaging services to our community and beyond
- In an environment of privacy, dignity, comfort and care
- Whilst respecting culture and diversity

Dr Eugene Hsu
Radiologist BSc(Med), MBBS, FRANZCR
Dr. Eugene Hsu graduated with a Bachelor of Medicine from the University of New South Wales (UNSW) in 2001 and worked in Prince of Wales Hospital before commencing his specialist radiology training under the Royal Australia and New Zealand College of Radiologists program at the National University Hospital of Singapore (NUHS). He undertook subspecialty training in neuroradiology and interventional radiology before obtaining his Fellowship in 2009. He subsequently worked as a subspecialty Neuroradiologist and interventional Radiologist in the Department of Diagnostic Imaging, NUHS, before returning to Australia in 2010 after obtaining a full-time Staff Specialist position in St. Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney.
He has extensive hospital experience including imaging in emergency medicine, implementing imaging protocols for acute stroke patients at the National University Hospital of Singapore, and has frequent involvement as part of a multi-disciplinary management team in collaborations with other medical specialists. Dr. Hsu is actively involved in the teaching and training of new doctors and radiologists as a conjoint lecturer at UNSW and a guest lecturer at the University of Notre Dame School of Medicine. In addition to this, he is the current head of Ultrasound services at the radiology department of St. Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney.
- Neuroimaging
- Non-vascular interventional procedures i.e. musculoskeletal injections and tissue biopsies
- Interests in liver and cardiac imaging

Dr Andrew Law
Andrew graduated with Honours from the University of Western Australia in 2002. He commenced radiology training in 2006 and gained Fellowship with the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists in 2010. In 2011, after completing a year of fellowship training in diagnostic neuroradiology, he commenced training in Nuclear Medicine. In 2013 he became a dual-qualified specialist in both fields of radiology and nuclear medicine by attaining Fellowship with the Australasian Association of Nuclear Medicine Specialists. From 2013 to 2015, he worked in private practice and as a consultant imaging specialist in a major tertiary hospital in Perth, Western Australia. He relocated to Sydney in 2015 and joined Chatswood Infinity Medical Imaging.
Spinal and Musculoskeletal Injections
Recent Publications:
Law A, Thompson A. Diseases of the Parotid Gland. Law A, Thompson A. Diseases of the Thyroid Gland. In: Yu E, Shankar L, editors. Introductory Head and Neck Imaging. Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers; 2014.

Dr Eugene Ng
Radiologist BSc, MBBS(Hons), FRANZCR
Dr. Eugene Ng received his medical degree from the University of New South Wales, and graduated with honours in 1995. He trained in radiology at Canberra and Westmead Hospitals, and obtained his FRANZCR in 2005.
In 2006, he completed a one year MRI and Body Imaging Fellowship at the University Health Network of University of Toronto, Canada. He is a general radiologist in all modalities including X-Ray, CT, MRI and Ultrasound; and also performs biopsies and interventional procedures under CT and Ultrasound guidance. Currently, he is a Conjoint Lecturer in Clinical Medicine at the University of Western Sydney.
Fellowship Training:
MRI and Body Imaging – University of Health Network of University of Toronto, Canada.
Special Interest:
- Musculoskeletal Imaging
- Neuroradiology & Body Imaging – especially liver, rectal, pelvic and prostate imaging.

Dr Alvin Chan
Radiologist MBBS, FRANZCR
Dr. Alvin Chan graduated from Sydney University in 1990 and completed radiology training at St Vincent’s Hospital Sydney in 1997. He worked as a staff specialist at Nepean Hospital for over a year then entered private practice as a partner in Ultrascan Radiology in 1999. In 2001, Ultrascan was bought by MIA, and Dr. Chan continued to work with Ultrascan, as managing partner for Ultrascan’s Windsor practice for five years. Subsequently, he became the managing radiologist at Ultrascan’s Auburn practice. Dr. Chan is currently a visiting medical officer at Westmead Hospital Sydney.
He has been performing interventional procedures and biopsies under ultrasound and CT guidance since 1999. Dr Chan speaks fluent Cantonese.
Special Interests:
- All modalities of general and diagnostic radiology (inc. ultrasound, CT and MRI)

Dr James Metri
Radiologist MBBS(USyd), FRANZCR
After obtaining his Medical degree from the University of Sydney in 1999, Dr Metri became a Surgical Trainee and a Member of the Royal Australasian and New Zealand College of Surgeons in 2001. He trained in multiple sub-specialties and worked as a Registrar in Neurosurgery, ENT/Head & Neck and General/Colorectal Surgery at major Teaching Hospitals in Sydney over a five year period. He subsequently pursued a career in Radiology where he completed his training at Westmead Hospital. During that time he implemented significant protocols within the Emergency Department to improve and expedite patient care. He was appointed Associate Lecturer in Anatomy at the University of Sydney in 2007.
He has been heavily involved with the teaching of Medical Students, Physician, Emergency and Radiology Trainees, and was awarded Lecturer of the Year 2011 by the Westmead Medical Association; and awarded Lecturer of the Year for Medical Grand Rounds 2011 at Westmead Hospital. He has also been involved in the design of the Radiology Teaching modules for the RACGP. Dr. Metri is a keen proceduralist who is competent with Ultrasound and CT guided biopsies and injections, with extensive surgical experience behind him. In addition to private practice, Dr. Metri is a Visiting Medical Officer at Westmead Hospital.
Special Interests:
- Neuroradiology
- ENT/Head & Neck Radiology

Dr Jaspal Hunjan
Radiologist MBBS, FRANZCR, MBA(UK), BPharm(Hons, UK)
After completing Bachelor of Pharmacy and Masters of Business Administration degrees in the United Kingdom, Dr. Hunjan immigrated to Sydney to complete his medical degree at Sydney University. He subsequently trained in radiology at Westmead Hospital. Following his training, he undertook a one year fellowship at McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, in advanced diagnostic and interventional musculoskeletal procedures. Since returning to Australia in 2008, he has worked closely with orthopaedic surgeons in the Penrith and greater Nepean area.
He is a member of the Society of Skeletal Radiology, orthopaedic societies (ISAKOS, ICRS, ESSR, AMSIG), ARRS, and RSNA. Dr. Hunjan is also currently a Conjoint Lecturer at the School of Medicine, University of Western Sydney. Dr. Hunjan has published over nine articles in peer review journals, and is a musculoskeletal examiner for the RANZCR part II exams.
Special Interests:
- Diagnostic and Interventional Musculoskeletal Radiology.